Wednesday, November 23, 2016

But Most Of All...I'm Thankful

My apologies. I've been out of pocket and out of communication for too long. The perfect storm occurred here...I caught a virus, my husband caught the same virus, we had a trip to a local Hindu temple, our belongings arrived from Switzerland...finally... - which resulted in the pandemonium of putting our house back together in time for the impending Thanksgiving holiday. So as you might imagine, my ability to put a cogent sentence together, much less a whole blog post was a little challenged. But things are settling down around here and I thought that this would be a perfect time to put together another posting.

It is Thanksgiving week and I'm feeling a little nostalgic. Holidays can be difficult when you are far away from families and friends and it is sometimes a little more challenging to get into the spirit when all the, decorations, etc are missing in the country you now call home. It is one of the hurdles that global gypsies like our family face.

It drives home that while those things are lovely and eminently special, they really are not the point. There will be turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans and pie. But most of all there will an overwhelming feeling of thankfulness. My cup literally runneth over..

I am blessed with family and friends all around the world - my family of choice - whom I love.

I am blessed with a roof over my head, plenty to eat, and the ability to pay my bills.

I am blessed with the opportunity to live in extraordinary places around the world and to actively engage in those communities and learn things about amazing and diverse cultures.

I am blessed a husband who loves me deeply, sees me clearly and knows me for who I really am.

I am blessed to be a citizen of a country where democracy is celebrated - even when we do not all agree and where free speech is a cornerstone of our civil rights.

I am blessed to be healthy

I am blessed - and I am thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving!

P.S. I will get the blog back on schedule...right after I get everyone fed and everything cleaned up.